Thursday, April 25, 2013

Another Republican Rebranding Fail

Frequent blind squirrel Dana Milbank done found himself an acorn in today's once great Washington Post Kaplan Daily:
Republican leaders had scheduled a vote in the chamber for Wednesday on a plan to help people with preexisting health problems get insurance — part of a broader scheme by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) to make Republicans appear to care about the little guy. But the conservatives lunching in the Rayburn House Office Building weren’t biting. [Snip]

“We can talk about flex time, we can talk about bills on Obamacare that are going nowhere,” Huelskamp said. “We can talk about messaging. . . . But in August, we’re going to hit the debt ceiling and we can’t avoid that. We’re running out of money, and as Republicans, we have to get ready now and talk about the vision of what we have to do to get our country on a 10-year plan to balance the budget.”

That budget-cutting theme, he said, “is the kind of message that gets lost in little things.”
So helping workers and the sick are “little things”? Cantor can forget warm and fuzzy for now; he has enough trouble just making his colleagues sound humane.
Huelskamp is crackpot Randian social Darwinist Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas.  If any of these peckerwoods does show any compassion towards another human being, as Milbank says, it's "to make Republicans appear to care about the little guy" (our emphasis).

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