Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rethuglicans: We Know There's Voter Fraud, Because We Engage In It!

From The Brad Blog (h/t Rising Hegemon):
31-year old Jennifer Derrebery reportedly worked for [Newt] Gingrich's election contractor Stillwater LLC and, according to prosecutors, turned in campaign petitions with some 400 signatures in the failed attempt to collect the 10,000 needed for Gingrich's name to appear on the primary ballot last year. According to WVIR, nearly all of the signatures submitted by Derrebery were fake.
The linked article also refers to numerous cases of voter fraud conducted by ACORN Rethuglicans in recent years.  Combined with their extensive voter suppression activities, it should be clear to anyone that Rethuglicans believe the only way they can win elections is to lie, cheat and steal.  Also: REBRANDING!

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