Monday, April 8, 2013

Thatcher Dead at 87

The breaking news that former Conservative British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died this morning has prompted a retrospective of her time in office.  For those on the right, she was a towering figure, Reagan's partner and philosophical twin.  Listening, for example, to Morning Joke's Joe "Scar" Scarborough you'd think that Thatcher single handedly won the cold war and saved Great Britain from a greedy working class.  It's worth remembering that only seven years after Thatcher was forced from office by her own party, Labour's Tony Blair dominated British politics for years.  So while a figure of Thatcher's undoubted significance should be recognized and respected at her passing,  let's remember that the "Iron Lady" was also famously divisive and autocratic, and dealt harshly with her opponents.   Some would say that's what Britain needed in the '80s, but let's let history write the final chapter.  RIP.

BONUS:  One chapter on Thatcher is already written:  being on the wrong side of history in relation to Nelson Mandela and South Africa.

BONUS II:  Of course, some of the lowest-hanging fruit in the wingnutosphere haz a sad cuz Obummer dint reack fast enough!

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