Monday, April 15, 2013

The Depths of Depravity

The families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting have been active advocates for gun safety legislation, recently lobbying members of the Senate and appearing in lieu of the President on his weekly address.  Clearly, their advocacy has been effective:  the Senate voted to take up debate on background check legislation, and even Sens. Manchin and Toomey are sponsoring a minimal bill to do that.

As we've sadly come to expect, right wingers are up in arms (literally) over the victims' advocacy, a sign that their message is working.   As the MaddowBlog's Steve Benen catalogues, the usual wing nut suspects are raising the biggest noise:  Oklahoma Senator and creationist cretin James "Inbred" Inhofe has implied that the Newtown families are misguided tools.  Bottom-feeders like Rush "Pills" Limpballs (families using dead children as "human shields") and the Fux Channel crowd, of course, are parroting the National Rifle Rampage Association's despicable story line.  There wouldn't be the depraved, sadistic pushback if the Newtown victims' message wasn't resonating with the vast majority of Americans -- and a growing number of Congresscritters.

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