Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Mess With Texas

Over the past few months, we've seen formerly hostile Rethuglican Governors take Medicaid money under the Affordable Care Act, mainly after doctors and hospitals in their States demanded it.  The most striking of them was the about-face by tea bagger favorite Gov. Rick "Voldemort" Scott of Florida.

But there's always at least one Rethug that can't do the obvious math that declining the Federal Medicaid funds means their State is 100% on the hook to provide health care services for its poorer citizen.  That one Rethug would, of course, be Texas Gov. and future Just For Men spokesman Rick "Oops" Perry, who distinguished extinguished himself during the Rethug debates for not knowing his P's and Q's, or his 1-2-3's for that matter.  His decision not to accept Medicaid funding will cost his state $90 billion, costs that will have to be absorbed by the good people of Texas (who voted the clod into office).  Not surprisingly, Texas is dead last among States for the number of people covered by insurance, which means that when an uninsured person goes to the emergency room for care, everyone that's insured pays for that care through higher premiums.  The mess with Texas will now continue, thanks to Oops.

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