Monday, May 20, 2013

Tale of Two Polls

We're seeing poll numbers for President Obama remaining steady, and even slightly improving, during "scandal" week in Washington.  A CNN poll shows that the President enjoys a job approval rating of 53%, up from a few weeks ago.  A Gallup poll shows similar results.

Meanwhile, Minnesota loon and Obamacare-obsessed Rep. Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann's poll numbers are sagging.  She's behind likely 2014 Dem opponent Jim Graves (whom she narrowly defeated last November) by 47 to 45.  Her election fund scandal is fueling the notion that Crazy Eyes isn't so much focused on Minnesota's 6th Congressional District as much as she is on her own career.

BONUS:  Here's some additional analysis from Kos:
But it's not just Obama. The Democratic Party went from a 46-48 favorable-unfavorable rating a month ago, to 52-43 in this latest poll. That's a net gain of 11 points.
As for impeachment-screeching Republicans? They're DOWN a net eight points from 38-54 a month ago, to 35-59 this week.
It turns out that:
* The American people just don't think that it's the worst scandal since Watergate that Obama called the Benghazi consulate attack an "act of terror" as opposed to a "terrorist attack".
* The American people just don't care that the IRS spent extra time looking at the applications of political groups—none of which had their applications rejected, mind you. (Well, except for that one liberal group.)
* The American people can't be bothered to care that some reporters were spied on, after the GOP spent the last decade pushing for increased wiretapping powers in the name of "national security". This is exactly what Republicans wanted. No one believes they're really that outraged about it now.
So after the president's supposed worst week ever, with Republicans jumping in glee at the scandals, we find that the president's popularity has inched up, the Democratic Party's popularity is significantly up, and Republicans, at 59 percent unfavorable, are at their highest unpopularity level since CNN started polling the question in 1992.

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