Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today's Dispatch From The Stupid Party

We remember former Missouri Rethuglican candidate Todd "My Ass Is" Akin's moronic comments about "legitimate rape" that likely cost him the 2012 Missouri Senate election.  The comments were so offensive and ignorant (characteristics of much Rethuglican talk for years) that even Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney had to publically disavow them.

But now, we have the president of the California Republican Assembly, Celeste "I Flunked Sex Ed" Greig, voted out of office for echoing Akin's bizarre thinking that women who are raped can't get pregnant because the body is "traumatized" and shuts down conception.  The bubble that these morons live in is apparently so impervious to reality that they have no clue that what they're saying is utter nonsense.  So they keep saying it.