AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas House approved a batch of bills Saturday to further soften gun laws that were already among the country's most firearms-friendly, allowing college students to carry handguns in class, putting potentially armed marshals in public schools and exempting the state from any future federal bans on assault rifles, high-capacity magazines or universal background checks.Nullification and handguns in classrooms all in one legislative session! Those are some busy Republican peckerwoods down there! And while he's at it, the Peckerwood-in-Chief, Gov. Rick "Hair" Perry, wants to make a historical
Speaking of nullification, let's see what Rethug Gov. Brown
... dozens of states are considering bills that attempt to nullify federal gun laws. One such bill became a law last month in Kansas. It exempts “Made in Kansas” guns from federal regulation and makes it a crime for federal agents to enforce federal law.
Attorney General Eric Holder recently wrote to Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, saying the law is “unconstitutional,” and that the U.S. is prepared to sue Kansas to prevent the state from “interfering with the activities of federal officials.”
Now, Brownback has fired back.
In a letter to Holder yesterday, Brownback wrote: “The people of Kansas have clearly expressed their sovereign will. It is my hope that upon further review, you will see their right to do so.”Let's see... if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be John C. Calhoun!
Finally, to Mr. Calhoun's
This has become a tribal conflict, and Mark Sanford's tribe is bigger, that's how. Most of the god-bothering yahoos were quite upset with Sanford's intercontinental sins of the flesh but, deep in their lizard brains, they know what counts and Sanford gave them the proper totem to hate and soon, the fever swamps resounded with whooping and hollering and chanting and the reek of burning entrails. This is not political. It is theological. It is not people going to the polls. It is people, maddened by thirst, wandering through the Sinai screaming their prayers into the undying sun.Hate and stupid: forces to be reckoned with in today's New Confederate/ Rethuglican/ Stupid Party.
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