Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Rethuglican War on Women, Cont.

Another week, another of Rethuglican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party slams on women.

Let's start way down south in the land of cotton (heads).  When Mississippi Rethuglican Gov. Phil Bryant was asked at an event on children's literacy what precipitated a decline in education, he said, "I think both parents started working.  The mom got in the work place."

Given that Mississippi perennially ranks as one of the nation's worst states for education, one has to conclude that, hot damn! must be a lot o' them Mississippi women what got in the work place!  (Because they had to?  It's no bulletin that a two-earner household is often an economic necessity.  Not to mention Mississippi ranks first among the states in percent of children in single-family households - 47%.)

We also want to check in on the goings-on in Washington, D.C., with the crackpots running the House asylum:
Republicans in the House Judiciary subcommittee voted on Tuesday to expand Rep. Trent Franks' (R-Ariz.) proposed D.C. abortion bill to apply to the whole country and advanced the bill favorably to the full committee. The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in the United States in all cases except those in which the mother's life is in danger.

All four Democrats on the panel voted against advancing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, arguing that it is unconstitutional and allows no exceptions for rape victims, incest victims, women whose health is endangered by a pregnancy, and cases of severe fetal anomalies.
The subcommittee's all-white male Rethuglican majority?   They know what's best for women's health, just like they know who caused the problems with edumacation!

BONUS:  We almost missed the antediluvian thoughts of some of our distinguished extinguished senior Rethuglican statesmen.

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