Friday, July 12, 2013

Asylum for Snowden in Russia?

Reports out of Moscow indicate that fugitive leaker and Ron Paul devotee Edward "Shoot My Balls" Snowden is seeking temporary asylum in Russia.  Snowden has spent the past 3 weeks in the transit area at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport seeking asylum from numerous countries, and receiving offers from at least three anti-American governments in South America.  Earlier, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said he would honor an asylum request from Snowden on the condition that Snowden cease his public leaking of U.S. secrets (no doubt Russia would like further secrets to remain in Russian hands only).  Accepting a muzzled asylum in a human rights paradise like Russia might not be to "libertarian" Snowden's liking, but he may not have any immediate options...until Galt's Gulch establishes diplomatic relations with Russia.