Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cardinal Sin

When Pope Francis broke new ground in saying "who am I to judge" gays following his historic trip to South America, it was only a matter of time before the reactionary wing of the Church reacted.  Take it away,  New York's Cardinal and pedophile priest protector Timothy Dolan:
“Homosexuality is not a sin, right? Homosexual acts are, just like heterosexuality is not a sin outside of marriage, that would be sinful...While certain acts may be wrong, [the Pope] would always love and respect the person and treat the person with dignity and not judge them.”
Thank you for your Papal encyclical comments, we're sure the actual Pope will appreciate your clarification.  To think that this bigoted enabler of pedophile priests was in the running for the Papacy is staggering.

BONUS:  The BooMan has an interesting take on the possible domestic political impact of Pope Francis' willingness to side with the outsiders and underdogs in society.

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