Thursday, July 11, 2013

House Rethugs Ready to Kill Immigration Reform

After the euphoria experienced following the Senate's passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill, things have settled in to the harsh reality that reactionary, obstructionist House Rethuglicans are determined to kill any reform that includes a path to citizenship.   It's clear that they're unhinged by the prospect of having new Democratic Latino voters in the future, and would rather seal the border and risk political oblivion on the national (i.e. Presidential) level for generations.  Here's one of their leading lunatics, Rep. Steve "Lyin'" King explaining the reason for obstruction:
"It would hurt Republicans, and I don’t think you can make an argument otherwise."
Lyin' King and many other tea baggers are in safe Rethuglican districts, and only fear a primary challenge from the even more extreme right, not Latino voters.  The situation on the national level is much different, with Latinos being the fastest growing segment of the population.  They've seen Rethuglicans like King and Thomas "White" Cotton speak in derogatory, hostile ways about them without any pushback within the Rethug establishment, and think "why should I ever consider voting for bigots like these?"

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