Monday, July 22, 2013

The Golden Fleece

Salon has an interesting article on the thriving business of separating right-wing rubes from their money, selling everything from "patriotic" trinkets to shaky investments.  A leading industry targeting wingnuts is gold products, with such far-right endorsers as the unhinged ranter Glenn "Boo Hoo" Beck.   Boo Hoo's partner happens to be Goldline International, which recently had to settle a California lawsuit for $4.5 million for a bait-and-switch operation, selling items to the gullible that were not what were advertised.  The sales pitch is almost always based on telling the wingnuts that the economy is tanking and Armageddon is near (subtext:  "it's the Marxist Kenyan Usurper that's to blame.").

Hustling grifters like Boo Hoo will always be a day's ride ahead of the posse, but it's good to see that the scams perpetrated on gullible wingnuts by their most cherished "heroes" are being exposed.

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