Monday, July 22, 2013

The Latest Civil War Skirmish

In this 150th year anniversary of such Civil War battles as Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, neo-Confederate groups are still attempting to honor the treasonous rebellion against the U.S.  One of the more devious methods employed by these groups, based in the South, is to request headstones for Confederate soldiers at a much higher rate than Union soldiers are receiving them, costing the Veterans Administration $2 million over the past decade.  The placement of the new headstones then generates a convenient excuse for the neo-Confederates to "celebrate" the "noble cause" for which they mythically fought.  Even more galling are the massive monuments erected to the Confederate cause, which attempt to honor the system for which the Southern soldier fought and died.  As the linked article notes, one such monument is in Arlington National Cemetery, and contains an insulting inscription in Latin that essentially says the South was in the right.

Please, no more of this crap.  Let's always remember the Union defeated an evil system of human enslavement and we're all far better for that.

(h/t to Daily Kos)

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