Monday, July 1, 2013

The Republican War on Women: Buckeye State Edition

Move over, Texas.  We have another Rethuglican-run state that wants to severely restrict a woman's reproductive rights:
The new [Ohio state] budget, which takes effect on Monday, includes at least five new anti-abortion provisions. HB 59 will defund Planned Parenthood clinics, reallocate family planning funding to right-wing “crisis pregnancy centers,” strip funding from rape crisis centers that give their clients any information about abortion services, impose harsh restrictions on abortion clinics that will force many of them to shut down, and require doctors to give women seeking abortion information about the presence of a “fetal heartbeat.”
Taken together, the budget amendments ensure that Ohio now has some of the most stringent abortion laws in the nation.
The culture war continues, in states from Virginia to Texas to Ohio, and the front-line soldiers on the other side are all white, male and Rethuglican.  Amazing how they know what's best for women, and what women really want.

UPDATE:  Some are fighting back, um, hard.

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