Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Republican War on Women - Women's Health Edition

This appears to be Bandwagon Day in the Republican War on Women.  Now that the once-foiled Texas bill intruding on a woman's reproductive freedom is poised to pass, the confederate State of North Carolina is pulling the same shite:
The outlines of the restrictions will be familiar: forcing clinics to meet the standards of outpatient surgical centers, requiring clinics to have transfer agreements with local hospitals, requiring a doctor to be present throughout the administration of a medical abortion (which, since a medical abortion involves taking pills two days apart, is a somewhat hazy requirement), and more. North Carolina Republicans appear to have learned their lessons from the organized opposition to Texas' anti-abortion bill, and rushed theirs to the floor of the Senate in epically sneaky fashion...
To make sure all the lizard-brained Rethug bases are touched, the provision is attached to a bill banning...wait for it...Sharia law. (What, there wasn't a nullification bill handy?)

Not to be outdone in the race to the bottom, dehydrated former golden boy Hispanic savior Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio is introducing a bill in the U.S. Senate to ban abortions after the 20th week, as the Texas bill would do.  Of course, Glug Glug knows the bill has no chance of going anywhere (though that never stopped Rethugs from voting to repeal Obamacare every 6 hours).  Speculation is he's trying to repair his cred with the teahadists/ nativists who are incensed at his support of the Senate immigration reform bill. No, no se puede.

Oh, BTW, how's that Republican rebranding coming along?

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