Former half-term Gov. and snowbilly grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin is working a new scam. Only a week after suggesting that a new radical right party might be formed, Winky's now hinting that she might run for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Sen. Mark Begich (perhaps Winky doesn't realize Senate terms are for six years -- three times longer that The Quitter from Wasilla served as Alaska's Governor). The most likely explanation isn't, as Winky said in her word salad way, that "people have requested me considering it," but rather that her SarahPAC piggy bank needs replenishing with contributions (or maybe it's the two books that she has coming out that need some extra buzz).
To understand Winky better, everyone should consider this scathing article in the October 2010 issue of Vanity Fair, which lays out Winky's sociopathic nature: narcissism, delusion, willingness to lie, lack of concern for's all there under the lipstick and Bumpit. But the voters of Alaska will be spared the task of defeating her at the polls, because this really isn't about a Senate run, it's just about Winky.