Thursday, August 8, 2013

Obamacare Doesn't Cover Self-Inflicted Wounds

Rethuglican Congresscritters returning to their districts during the August recess are feeling the effects of their years of lying about Obamacare and Federal spending.  Holding town hall meetings, which are typically attended by the most extreme and ill-informed members of their base, the Rethugs are facing demands that they shut down the Federal Government unless Obamacare is de-funded.  As eager as they are to appease their hyper-angry, mouth breather base, the Rethug politicians know shutting down the Government would be a widely unpopular suicide mission, that could cost them seats in the 2014 elections.

This is a classic case of the chickens coming home to roost.  The Rethugs and their media outlets have been stoking the flames of ignorance and radicalism for years and years.  Now, when their base demands insane policies (throw in immigration reform, gun safety, etc.), it's either sink with them, or swim against the tide they've created.

Oh, and how's that rebranding coming?

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