Let's see what Rep. David Joyce (Rethug-OHmygod) has to say about why all those jobs remain unfilled. Is it lack of training? Lack of education? Are they part-time jobs/ jobs that don't offer a living wage? Oh no:
"There's 3 million jobs every month in this country that go unfilled," said Joyce in his remarks to the Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce. "Believe me, the [Cleveland] Plain Dealer already fact-checked me on it because they couldn't believe me. They thought I was lying, and they actually came up with a higher number than 3 million."
"And the trouble is, it's because they either can't find people to come to work sober, daily, drug-free and want to learn the necessary skills going forward to be able to do those jobs," he added. (our emphasis)Translation: If it weren't for the lazy, drug-addled moochers -- the 47% that vote Demoncrat -- we'd have a smooth-running
Speaking of
"When you look at life expectancy, there are problems in the black race," Marble said during a meeting of the legislature's Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force. "Sickle-cell anemia is something that comes up. Diabetes is something that's prevalent in the genetic makeup, and you just can't help it. Although I've got to say, I've never had better barbecue and better chicken and ate better in my life than when you go down South and you, I mean, I love it. Everybody loves it."
Marble continued, "The Mexican diet in Mexico with all of the fresh vegetables, and you go down there and they are much thinner than they are up here. They’ve changed their diet. I’ve read studies on that." (our emphasis)What, you couldn't drop a mention of watermelon into your thoughtful analysis?
We can't forget (though we'd like to) Rep. Tom "Not Dan" Marino's (Dimbulb-PAthetic) 'splanation for why 'Bammer's a Kenyan Socialist (link includes more examples of "The Stupid, It Burns" than we have the inclination to cop):
Pennsylvania congresscritter Tom Marino said Thursday that there’s a simple reason that Barack Obama is such a big darn socialist all the time: Obama, you see, was “raised by the federal government his entire life and he wants to implement his socialist programs and that’s all he knows.” This is just logic, people. Congressman Marino has been a fulltime state or federal government employee since 1992, except for the period between the end of his term as U.S. Attorney in 2007 and his election to the House in 2010.Examples 437, 438 and 439 of why there's a putrid cloud of "fail" around the notion of Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party "rebranding."
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