Sunday, September 1, 2013

On The Eve Of Labor Day

Tomorrow is Labor Day in the U.S., which makes it an appropriate time to reflect on the American workforce, income inequality and the resulting erosion of the middle class.  The New York Times editorial this morning is worth a read.  Here's a snippet:
On its own, however, growth will not raise wages. What’s missing are policies to ensure that a large and growing share of rising labor productivity flows to workers in the form of wages and salaries, rather than to executives and shareholders. Start with an adequate minimum wage. Provide increased protections for workers to unionize, in order to strengthen their bargaining power. Provide protections for undocumented workers that would limit exploitation. Add to the mix regulations to prevent financial bubbles, thereby protecting jobs and wages from ruinous busts. Adopt expansionary fiscal and monetary policies in troubled times to sustain jobs and wages.
Or, put in simpler, visual form (click to enlarge):

 (Signe Wilkinson, via

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