Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Quote of the Day

"I guess for some people in Ohio, unless you are a card-carrying Nazi you can’t be a Republican.” -- Rethuglican lobbyist Neil Clark, referring to Ohio's teabagger contingent who are furious at Rethug Gov. John Kasich for accepting the expansion of Medicaid in his state (essentially money that his constituents have paid in taxes).  The teatards are vowing not to support Kasich in 2014 for reelection due to his "heresy."

Ohio's teabagger radicals are led by one Tom "Burn It Down" Zawiskowski,  a true nut bag who seems impervious to facts but not to bigotry.  Burn It Down had this lovely comment on Kasich's reference to the Bible in accepting Medicaid expansion:
“In our Bible, compassion means the money comes from you. Medicaid is for single women with children and for the elderly, for people who can’t work. What they are calling Medicaid expansion is health insurance for people who don’t want to work. You are not expanding Medicaid. This is a whole new program and it is with borrowed money.” 
Translation:  "'Our Bible' sez forget 'compassion' -- we don't want to give the ni**ers our money. Oh, and by the way, we're not racist!"

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