Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Cartoon and Reading

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(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press, via

Companion reading, from the New York Times op/ed page:

Charles Blow, on the Crackpot Caucus' abuse of democratic institutions:
Set aside the fact that the [Affordable Care Act] law cannot yet be deemed a failure because its provisions are still being phased in and those that have gone into effect seem to be working.
Focus instead on the fundamental disagreement here: The president is saying that he won’t negotiate over a stunt that would destroy our economy and the world’s, while Republicans are saying they are willing to risk it all in order to derail him.
This is not responsible. This is not principled. This is not high-minded. This is personal and dangerous. This is an abuse of instruments of power in pursuit of reprisal.
Gail Collins, on the Crackpot Caucus' 2012 Republican platform wish-list:
This week the House Republican leaders were looking at a long, long list of must-haves that also included changes in regulations relating to coal ash, reduction in Civil Service pensions, restrictions on malpractice suits and an end to some greenhouse gas regulations.
And their members found that list too restrictive. Behind-the-scenes discussion continued about more things the Republicans could demand. A ban on late-term abortions? A trillion-dollar budget cut? Bring back the gold standard? Bring back the bustle? It’s 2013 and anything is possible.
So, what do you think is wrong with these people? Thanks to gerrymandered Congressional districts and the Tea Party, we do seem to have a surprising number of elected officials who actually don’t believe that raising the debt limit so the government can pay its bills is a good plan.
 But, as we all know, elections don't have consequences if they're won by Democrats.

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