Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Gov. "Oops" Perry and Texas' Race To The Bottom

Texas Rethuglican Gov. Rick "Oops" Perry has been traveling around the country recently touting his State's booming (that's "BOOM!", as in unregulated fertilizer plants exploding) economy.  The pinhead has recently been seen in a video running in Maryland inviting bidnesses to come to Texas for all that FREEDUMB!  (And don't forget their edumaction!) Today, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley took to the op-ed pages of the once great Washington Post  Bezos Bugle to offer a rebuttal.  Here's an excerpt, but you should read the whole piece:
Perry and like-minded Republican governors subscribe to the slash-and-burn economic philosophy — a belief that “less” will somehow become “more.” In Texas, he has implemented this vision with gusto, cutting taxes and slashing funding for critical middle-class priorities such as public schools, higher education, health care and infrastructure. The results? Texas ranks 49th in high school graduation, 10th in the rate of poverty and 50th in the percent of residents with even basic health insurance.
And while Perry likes to promote the job creation in Texas during his time in office, he leaves out a critical point: The jobs “miracle” he touts is driven by low-paying, non-sustainable jobs. This year, Texas — tied with Mississippi — leads the nation for the percentage of hourly paid workers earning equal to or less than the minimum wage. More than one in 10 workers nationwide earning at or below the minimum wage works in Texas.
Anyone who can listen to Perry, at this stage of his public life, and not look for the ventriloquist standing behind him seriously needs to smarten up.  

BONUSThere's this, too.  "Conservative dystopia," indeed.

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