Saturday, September 21, 2013

Today's Dispatches From The Stupid Party - Climate Change Edition

Today's dispatches come from last Wednesday's hearing of a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the President's Climate Action Plan (big hat tip to P.E.C.).  In random order, we have Republican worthies,
Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) told [EPA Administrator Gina] McCarthy and [Energy Department Secretary Eric] Moniz, “here is the reality of temperature changes over the last 40 years — actually we can say over 40 years there has been almost no increase in temperature.”
Um, no.

Next up:
Chairman Ed Whitfield [R-KY] began the hearing by arguing that human carbon emissions are insignificant, saying “3.75 percent of all worldwide emissions come from human activity.”
Um, no again.

[Rep. Mike] Pompeo [R-KS] then said he wanted to know “how many heat-related deaths have been eliminated as a result” of the improved fuel economy standards unveiled in 2010. McCarthy responded with reason, saying no one can “make those direct connections.” The climate is complex and the amount of work yet to do to decrease emissions is immense. The CAFE standards were a first step. Rep. Pompeo then tried to conclude that making cars more efficient and burning less gasoline will not do anything for climate change, asking “Is anything you are doing doing any good?” 
Um, three strikes and you're out.  Also, "Is anything you are doing doing any good?"  OMFG.

Please observe what happens when you turn government over to the dimbulbs, loons, and shills.  And, as if it needed to be said again, it's why we can't have nice things in this country.

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