Friday, October 11, 2013

Charge of the Right Brigade

After yesterday's bombshell NBC/Wall St. Journal poll rocked Rethugs on Capitol Hill, showing their brand in free fall with voters who dislike their extortionist approach, one would think that the "leaders" of the debacle would have learned something.  One would be wrong.

Speaking this morning at the ironically-named "Value Voters Summit" -- a collection of far-right wingers who make up the American Taliban -- radical Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz insisted that his teabagger counterparts in the House hold firm and demand defunding of the Affordable Care Act in return for opening the Government.  This nutty and futile position has even been disavowed by the notorious Koch operation, among others.  It's what is driving the Rethug and teabagger numbers into the toilet.

While this has proven to be a lucrative fundraising gambit for Tailgunner Ted and the "Senate Conservative Fund" -- a front outfit of Jim "Demented" DeMint's Heritage Foundation -- no one in his or her right mind thinks that this will happen while President Obama has the veto pen and Dems control the Senate.  But feeding the reactionary mouthbreathers their red meat while separating them from their money is important to keep the wingnut welfare apparatus alive.


  1. I saw that Dr. Ben Carson, once someone I respected and now question if he has been exposed to too much conscious sedation medication, was one of the speakers at that fantasy fest, too. He equated ACA with slavery and said it was the worst thing that has happened to this country since slavery. I guess he thought WWI, WWII, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and the current military entanglements are not so bad... P.E.C.

  2. He's gone off the deep end apparently. The slavery comparison was particularly vile, coming from someone who should know better, but who must enjoy pandering to the racist right.
