Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Compare and Contrast

Yesterday's press conference by President Obama was a tour de force of intelligent argument, grasp of the facts, and detail.  He, once again, placed the responsibility for the shutdown and threat of default where it belongs:  on teabagger radicals in the House Republican majority who are trying to extort concessions that the voters have rejected repeatedly.  He held the floor for over an hour, and answered more than a dozen questions.

Contrast that with Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner's brief and demagogic appearance to claim that for the Rethuglicans to stop the extortion without concessions from the President would be "unconditional surrender."  He repeated teabagger talking points, answered one question and then bolted for the door.  That's what happens when your position is indefensible.

The public should be asking itself if this tactic by Rethugs is successful, what's next?  Demands that women give up their reproductive rights?  That we scrap immigration reform?  That Civil Rights laws be abolished?  Once the hard right sees their hostage-taking as a "success," there will be no end to their radical demands.  That's why we need to stop them cold now.

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