Monday, October 14, 2013

Teathuglican Shamelessness on Display

A couple of hundred right-wing teabagger radicals led by demagogue Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz and teabagger icon and nincompoop Sarah "Winky" Palin collected on the Mall yesterday in front of the WWII memorial and the White House to idiotically blame the closings on President Obama.   Waving Confederate flags and sporting redneck gear, they listened to shutdown instigator Tailgunner Ted lie about his leading role in the shutdown of memorials and veterans' services.  Winky, who can't resist a TV camera, delivered her usual word-salad that suggested that the President wasn't a good commander-in-chief.

Today, there are reports that the teabaggers hijacked the event from the organizers of the Million Veterans March, which issued a statement that,
"The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain."
The radical right realizes the strategic blunder that they made in shutting down the Government and threatening default on the debt to extract concessions that failed at the ballot box last November.  Now their only game is to falsely blame the fiasco on those who are trying to stop them.  Cowards.