Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"The Most Dangerous Group in Congress"

  Josh Barro, writing in Business Insider, tells us who "the most dangerous group in Congress" is:
Our government is a disaster because of a small group of Republicans in the House of Representatives.
I'm not talking about the group of Republicans you might think.
Yes, there are 30 to 50 arch conservatives in the House who have been insistent they won't reopen the government without putting a major dent in Obamacare.  These people are not the key problem. They are only relevant because so-called "reasonable" or "realistic" Republicans allow them to be.
The most dangerous group in Congress is moderate Republicans, many from the northeast, who could reopen the government and break extremists' grip on their caucus' agenda, but choose not to.
According to the Washington Post, 21 House Republicans say they are prepared to vote for a "clean" continuing resolution to reopen the government. Together with Democrats, this is enough votes to pass the bill that has already passed the Senate, reopen the government, and stop the madness.
Yet these Republicans who publicly say they favor a clean CR have repeatedly voted with their extremist colleagues to prevent it from coming to a vote.
If moderate House Republicans don't want a government shutdown and favor a clean CR, why have they passed up on ways to end the shutdown?  [our emphasis]

To find Barro's answer to the question, go here.

BONUSHarold Meyerson concurs.

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