Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Cooch Kaput, Krispykreme Rolls

The gubernatorial elections yesterday in Virginia and New Jersey were mostly unsurprising, although Virginia's Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe defeated teabagger candidate and transvaginal probe enthusiast Ken "Cooch" Cuccinelli by a much smaller margin than the polls predicted.   The re-election of New Jersey Governor and Michelin tire man stand-in Chris "Krispykreme" Christie over State Sen. Barbara Buono was almost a given, with only the margin of victory to be determined.  The Beltway media has now crowned Gov. Krispykreme as their new hero, a blunt-spoken, truth-telling "moderate" who can work with Rethuglicans and Dems, which is, of course, the false image they've helped him create.  However, compared to Cooch's positions, Gov. Krispykreme comes off as almost reasonable, regardless of the fact that his positions on women's reproductive rights, marriage equality, the ACA, etc. are hard-right.

We'll wager that this week's -- this month's, this year's, etc. -- Beltway punditocracy will be swooning over Gov. Krispykreme as their new icon of "compromise" -- which they define as the Dems giving in to everything the Rethuglicans demand -- while the defeat of an extremist Virginia teabagger in yet another statewide election will be forgotten before long.

BONUSWTF, Virginia? And WTF Jersey?


  1. John Goodman, like Tina Fey, will have a whole new career dimension if Krispykreme becomes the Rethug. nominee. And we should pray for a better selection for V.P., because, like Goodman's character on West Wing, Krispy looks to be one prime rib away from a coronary.

  2. Well put. His health -- along with the ethics problems that didn't come up in the election -- are a real concern, not to mention his well-camouflaged socially conservative positions.

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