Monday, November 11, 2013

Econ 101, Rethug-Style

From Nobel laureate word salad shooter, half-term governor and full-time grifter Sarah Palin, Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa, talking about Gummint "free stuff" (presumably things "the moochers" like, such as Medicare, Social Security, and Obamacare):
"This free stuff, so seductive. Why do you think marketers use free stuff to bring people in? Free stuff is such a strong marketing ploy.  But didn't you all learn too in Econ 101 there ain't no such thing as a free lunch? Our free stuff today is being paid for by taking money from our children and borrowing from China.  When that note comes due -- and this isn't racist.. but it's going to be like slavery when that note is due. We are going to be beholden to a foreign master. Because there is no plan coming out of Washington, D.C. to stop the incurrence of debt."
My I.Q. dropped 10 points just having to read that.

(Photo:  If we buy you another Big Gulp, will you please just go away?)

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