Monday, November 4, 2013

Health Insurers' Games Continue

We're reading that some health insurance companies have been sending out misleading letters regarding their customers' options relating to the Affordable Care Act, specifically warning that their current (junk) plans will be cancelled unless they convert to more expensive plans offered by the company, without noting that consumers can shop for more affordable plans on the exchanges.  Of course, they're able to get away with this in large part because the Federal "" mess isn't providing access to more competitive policies, so the consumer isn't able to "shop around" and determine whether they're eligible for subsidies unless they're living in one of the States that has an up-and-running State exchange.

There's no way to repair the initial damage and valuable time lost on health insurance reform from the incompetent roll-out of the health reform effort, but over time, the Administration might be able to drive these junk policy insurers out of business while providing access to affordable private health insurance to tens of millions of more Americans.

BONUS:   The media, as usual, is part of the problem.

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