Sunday, November 17, 2013

Immigration Reform = "Obamacare" Roll-Out

Congressional Rethuglicans will use any excuse to undermine President Obama's legislative agenda, even if it has overwhelming popular support.  Case in point, immigration reform, which is supported by a diverse constituency.  But Rethuglican House Majority "Leader" Eric "Cancer" Cantor sees it differently, and, not surprisingly, it's all about "Obamacare"
"We don't want a repeat of what's going on now with Obamacare.  That bill, constructed as it is by the Senate, last-minute ditch effort to get it across the finish line. I think that there is a lot that could be done a lot better in that bill."
Of course, we all know that Cancer and the Rethuglican pols would LOVE to have a repeat of the failed roll-out of the Affordable Care Act -- that's an easily identifiable lie.  Expect Cancer and the Rethug pols to use "Obamacare" as the "no we can't" excuse for every single piece of legislation that the President will propose in the next three years.  Because they have no alternative, don't want to have one, and don't want to talk about it.

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