Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Morning Excerpt - Bye Bye Bibi?

From Amir Owen in Haaretz (via Daily Kos):
The agreement with Iran will be carried out, over Netanyahu’s objections, because that is what the superpowers want. John Kerry, encouraged by the diplomatic success that began with Syria’s chemical disarmament, will not let go regarding the Israeli-Palestinian talks. The Likud leadership anticipates a diplomatic and political crisis next spring, with a divided party that will try to tie Netanyahu’s hands. If he wants to run again, as his ministers believe he does, he will have to become even more extreme and speed toward Obama on a collision course.
This morning, in Switzerland, Netanyahu had his toy gun taken away. In Basel, Herzl founded the state of the Jews, and in Geneva, Obama ended Netanyahu’s era.
If the Iran nuclear agreement has the salutary side-effect of ending the career of Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu, all the better for Israel and the world.

BONUS:  Gawker has a nice compilation of other events Bibi considers "historic mistakes."

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