Thursday, November 14, 2013

Next Moves on the Affordable Care Act

With Dems in the House and Senate beginning to abandon him given the problems with the Affordable Care Act, President Obama has little time to keep them from doing damage to his signature achievement, inadvertent or not.  The Rethugs, of course, will do everything in their power to undermine the Act.  For example, the obstruction by Rethuglican Governors in refusing to set up state exchanges has meant an even greater burden on the sputtering Federal web site.  Also, as Dylan Scott notes in Talking Points Memo:
"The problem for Obamacare isn't that people are receiving letters telling them that they're losing their current health plan. The problem isn't that has been performing poorly since it opened on Oct. 1.

The problem is that those two things are happening at the same time."
Certainly the health insurance companies offering cheap, substandard plans have every incentive to dump those customers or tell them they'll have to pay more for different plans.  If the system at the state and Federal level hadn't been compromised by both obstruction and incompetence, those people receiving the cancellation notices would be able to shop the health insurance market for better deals.  It also didn't help that the President over promised with the "you can keep your policy" statements.  He'll be announcing some fixes this morning to alleviate some of the problems.

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