Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Poll: Americans Support Agreement With Iran

While Rethugs and Likudniks are feverishly trying to scuttle the interim agreement with Iran that would temporarily halt their progress toward nuclear weapons capability, the American public favors the deal by a 2-to-1 majority, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.  Forty-four percent approve of the agreement, while 22 percent disapprove.

Over the next weeks and months, count on seeing the usual suspects spreading misinformation and fear about the agreement.  Already, we're seeing outrageous comparisons to the Munich Agreement by the hardliners who want to steer this country into another war in the Middle East against an Islamic nation.  Many are the same neocons who lied us into the diversionary war in Iraq over non-existent WMD and connections to 9/11, letting al Qaeda gather strength in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere during the Bush Assministration.


  1. Sir - I'm not concerned about John Kerry getting style points for caving to the mullahs. Nor am I a "neo-con", a "tea-bagger" or a "Rethug". I'm a lefty goy from Manhattan - who won't be silent while the Obama administration sells Israel down the river. Do you seriously think Ben Netanyahu is a foolish man? Think again. If war comes it shall be because Israel refuses to be the Sudetenland. You like to call names. Are you, in fact, an anti-Semite? Not for me to say - but give it some thought. Obama will fight to the last Libyan, the last Egyptian, the last Syrian. The Israelis do not buy wolf tickets. I'm Joe - D's friend from RHS. I'm not your "tea-bagger" sir. Not your "re-thug". There are some literate folk on the left who do not think as you do sir. I'll fight with the Israelis if it comes to it. So call me a name sir. Sincerely - your fellow thoughtful citizen - Joe

  2. Joe- I'm sorry that you equate Netanyahu with Israel, and criticism of him with anti-Semitism. That's pretty low. Is Netanyahu a foolish man? No, simply one, in our opinion, who has a long history of obduracy, and who's in a coalition with some pretty rabid dead-enders (btw, we tend to view our "name calling" as accurate descriptors, but we realize it's all subjective).

    The agreement is a limited one in scope and duration and is intended to be a first step to gauge Iranian seriousness. Do you think Obama is a foolish man? We're not always enamored of him, to say the least, but we feel the agreement, as an initial step is worth withholding judgement on, unlike Netanyahu's criticism provided without benefit of knowing details of the agreement.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
