Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pope Donohue's Latest Crusade

It's been awhile since we've heard from hateful shitsack "Sweaty" Bill Donohue, self-appointed head of something called the "Catholic League."  Seems Sweaty Bill's up in a lather about a segment of "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO, specifically Maher's interview with columnist and gay rights activist Dan Savage.  Dan got Sweaty Bill's rosary in a twist when he vented his frustration at the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church and its obsession with peoples' sexy time, and specifically with a Catholic Bishop's statement that children of same sex parents were at greater risk of suicide (!).   Here are the relevant excerpts (C&L video at the link):
"Sorry, I am just done being lectured about children and their safety by Catholic-f*cking bishops, priests, cardinals.” he continued. “The pope, himself, has let it go. The new pope, who I kind of dig, has let it go."
Savage noted that Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki had recently performed an exorcism on the state of Illinois after Gov. Pat Quinn (D) signed a bill legalizing same sex marriage.
"To exorcise the state of gay people of having full civil equality!" Savage said. "No exorcism, exorcising the demons of, like, kiddie-f*cking Catholic priests. They never got around to that exorcism."
"They don't have moral high ground when they talk about the welfare and safety of children, they just don't," he added. "They have squandered that on the tips of their d*cks."
Sweaty Bill, of course, is now pressuring HBO to cancel "Real Time" (it must be fundraising time at the League).  Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, Savage's comments about the Church not having the moral high ground are even more appropriate when applied to Sweaty Bill and his den of homophobic right-wing god-botherers.  The "Catholic League", through Donohue, presumes to speak as an "anti-defamation" organization, but he seemingly spends most of his time defaming gays and Jews, while defending pedophile priests. Did we mention he runs the "Catholic League" like a Republican front organization, whose Board of Advisors reads like a wingnut directory (Kate O'Beirne? Brent Bozell?? Alan Keyes???).

Pope Francis, time to take back the Catholic brand from this bigot.

BONUS:   Let's see if Sweaty Bill will go after Oxycontin Rush Limbaugh for this... or Stuart Varney for this...  or Pammy Jugs for this... now that's a lot of defamation!

(Photo:   Bill Donohue - defender of the faith  hate.)

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