Sunday, December 8, 2013

Martin, Winky, and Scatological Things

MSNBC's Martin Bashir resigned his post last week after an off-color comment he made recently in response to snowbilly grifter Sarah "Winky" Palin's comment in early November comparing the national debt to slavery.  Alluding to the film, "12 Years A Slave," Bashir suggested that Winky be acquainted with a punishment for disobedient slaves, namely having one slave defecate in the mouth of the disobedient one, to see if she would stand by her comparison of slavery to the national debt.  For MSNBC's…er... tastes, that was a little too graphic, and Bashir was prevailed upon to conclude the same.

The vast majority of Bashir's work was commendable, and he didn't hide his political opinions under a bushel.  When stacked up against the relentless borderline seditious and racist utterings of some of Fux's "talent," meaning the likes of Sean Hannity, Stuart Varney, and Erik Rush,  Bashir's comment seems small.  Nonetheless, progressive voices should be factual, passionate and persistent;  leave the fact-free poo-flinging to the wing nuts.

(hat tip to AZ co-bureau chief John for the suggestion)

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