Friday, December 6, 2013

Republicans Air-Brushing History Again: Nelson Mandela Edition

It didn't take very long for them to segue from their historic antipathy towards Nelson Mandela and his lifelong anti-apartheid struggle to making him their comrade-in-arms, but you knew the right-wingers would try (and anger some of the mouth-breathers in their base in the process).  But, history is facts, y'know:

Via Think Progress, here's a long timeline of their red-baiting Mandela and, more tellingly, their opposition to sanctions and other means of ending apartheid.

Via Mr. Pierce, here's how the administration of Saint Ronnie of Hollywood actively supported the apartheid regime.

And finally, historical footnote and Google legend Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum thinks he's found a soulmate in Mandela because.... Obamacare!?

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