Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wimmen 101

This is rich.  Male Rethuglican candidates are being tutored in how to talk to Dem women that they may face in an election.  You know, don't talk about "legitimate rape,""transvaginal probes," etc.  Or if you do, make sure the cameras, recording devices, etc. are off so you can really say what you mean.  But that's not their whole problem by any stretch.

As pointed out in the link, the characters that sank their campaigns with mindless jabber about "wimmen" -- Missouri's Todd "My Ass Is" Akin, etc. -- were just defending their Party's 2012 platform, which was about as radical as you can get regarding reproductive rights and women's' choice, not to mention transvaginal probes and defunding of Planned Parenthood.  To Rethug politicians, it's all about bamboozling the voters that are confused about where the two major parties stand, but who don't want radical abortion laws in the case of rape, incest or the life of the mother.  Ditto with contraceptives and demeaning "probes" to shame a woman who has decided to terminate a pregnancy.  Their campaigns clearly underestimate the intelligence of the voters to detect b.s. when the see it.

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