Sunday, December 1, 2013

With Friends Like These…..

We recall that California Sen. Dianne Feinstein was once strangely opposed to Dem efforts to curtail Rethug obstruction through the filibuster, ostensibly because the Rethugs would retaliate should they ever get the Senate majority (ed. -- who really believes they wouldn't anyway??).  Now, Feinstein is adding her voice to the  Rethug chorus saying that we're less safe from terrorism than we were 2 years ago, despite the fact that al Qaeda leadership has been decimated and dozens of drone strikes are taking their toll on al Qaeda and their affiliates.  Oh, and we killed Osama Bin Laden, too, and captured major al Qaeda leaders.  Feinstein  even threw in a right-wing theme when she cited "sharia law" as a culprit:
"[Islamists believe] that is that the West is responsible for everything that goes wrong and that the only thing that's going to solve this is Islamic Sharia law."
Oh my!  We better ban "sharia law" in all 50 states, even if it's irrelevant to overriding Federal and state statutes.  Now you're talking like Sean "Heil" Hannity, Dianne, congrats on your "bipartisanship."  C'mon, Senator, you can do better.

(photo:  "Eeek!  Sharia Law!!")


Anonymous said...

Actually Old Chap - I prefer constitutional law to the sharia variety.

Where's it written that DiFi wants to BAN shari ?

May I watch Giants' football under the Shariaship ?

Al Quaeda doesn't even have a soccer team !

W. Hackwhacker said...

1) Us, too.
2) A little hyperbole for effect (wasted).
3) The Giants?!?
4) Soccer?!?

Anonymous said...

I'll repeat query # 2:

Where and when did Senator Feinstein demand or - in the least way - imply that she is in anyway opposed to First Amendment Rights ?

The Giants are the team that beat The Packers AND the Redskins this season ( Noo Yawk kicked Wisconsonian (neologism) as well as Beltway Tookis (phonetic) in 2013.

Futbol. As in Barcelona FC, Real Madrid, Manchester United, and Chelsea (not Clinton).

I enjoy your temerity, Sir!

Little Joe from Roslyn

W. Hackwhacker said...

For the record, she didn't demand or imply "Sharia Law" should be banned - nor did we imply she did. It was just our ratcheting up the next level of nonsensical hysteria attached to this non-issue.

Also, who didn't beat the Deadskins this year? Unfortunately, Houston (2-10) wasn't on their schedule, though they likely would lose to them, too. Owner/turd Dan Snyder brings bad karma.

Soccer/ Futbol: zzzzzzzzzzz.

Go Blue (Michigan), Go (Badass) Badgers!

Thanks for commenting.