Friday, January 10, 2014

Gov. Krispykreme Haz A Sad

Yesterday's self-indulgent pity party by New Jersey Gov. and object-visible-from-space Chris "Krispykreme" Christie was roundly mocked on late night comedy shows.  Gov. Krispykreme's nearly two-hour show -- his "someone else-a culpa" --  identified the true victim:  Krispykreme himself.  Stephen Colbert has the goods on the Gov.:

"Christie is a true conservative.  He is committed to proving the core conservative value that government is the problem, even if he has to create the problems himself."  How true.

New Jersey's largest newspaper isn't buying Gov. Krispykreme's act.  They ask why he didn't question why two top appointees at the Port Authority suddenly resigned in December, or why he wasn't more interested in seeing the subpoenaed e-mails before they were provided to authorities.  His claim that he just found out about the deception doesn't pass the giggle test.  Now that a Federal prosecutor will be looking into the facts, Gov. Krispykreme might want to lawyer up.

UPDATE:  Rachel Maddow has a very credible theory about the bridge scandal:  it immediately followed a furious Krispykreme press conference in August 2013 denouncing Dems over a NJ Supreme Court appointment.  The targets were NJ legislators representing Ft. Lee, including the Dem leader in the NJ Assembly.  Interesting….

UPDATE II:  The Onion has a great piece on Krispykreme's "someone else-a culpa."

UPDATE III:  Dave Weigel has a list, with links, to other examples of Krispykreme's history as a bully and liar.

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