Monday, February 24, 2014

Does The ACA Cover Cutting Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face?

The Koch brothers' phony grassroots group "Americans for (Plutocrat) Prosperity" has spent the better part of the past three years trying to derail the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and to turn the reins of health care back over to the giant health insurance companies.  In a well-financed campaign targeting Senate and Congressional races, the Koch front group has unleashed ads that portray the "victims" of "Obamacare," who in every case are either ignorant of the ACA's features or are obstinately opposed to the law, even if it benefits them, because <cough cough  Muslim Commie Obama  cough cough > FREEDUMB!  Paul Krugman, writing in the New York Times, debunks the most egregious of the Koch-backed lies here.

It's the same problem that we saw in Tennessee, when a majority of auto workers voted not to be represented by the United Auto Workers at a new Volkswagen plant after being snowed by threats and false claims by Rethuglican politicians in the state (even after Volkswagen denied the Rethug lies).  Enough people were persuaded to vote against their own interests by the same powers that keep their wages and benefits as low as possible to boost profits:  that's the plutocrat's formula for keeping their power and position.

(photo:  Obama made me do it.)

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