Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Genius Is As Genius Does

There are a couple of favorite hobby horses the Teapublicans will try to ride in the upcoming 2014 mid-term elections.  We can count on fact-free attacks on the Affordable Care Act and President Obama's Constitutional use of executive orders to circumvent the Rethug obstructionists in Congress.  Let's see, what else?

Ah……Benghazi, Benghazi!, BENGHAZI!! That's the ticket!

House Teapublican and America's own Inspector Clouseau, Rep. Darryl "Grand Theft Auto" Issa, wants to whip that dead horse even more, despite well-researched studies that undermine key Rethuglican charges, and the fact that, among the top issues for voters -- even Rethuglican ones -- it's nowhere to be found.  So please, Rethugs, listen to the sage advice of Grand Theft Auto and make the Benghazi, Benghazi!, BENGHAZI!! turd your centerpiece issue this year. Pleeeaase!

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