Monday, February 10, 2014

Jumping Ship Quote of the Day

"The GOP of today is not the party I joined; it's not the party of my parents.  It's a party that has been radicalized and held hostage by a group of extremists. It's a party that attacks women and minorities -- and one that asked me, and my former Hispanic Republican colleagues in the Florida legislature, to turn on their own people by supporting extreme anti-immigrant policies. It's a party I was no longer proud to be a part of." (emphasis added) -- Ana Rivas Logan, a former Republican state representative in Florida, in a statement today in Miami after she changed her registration to Democrat.

When Cuban-Americans -- once the vanguard of conservative politics in Florida -- start to bail on the anti-immigration, anti-women policies of the Rethuglican / Stupid Party, then you know the tide is turning.

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