Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ladies, Look Who's Available!

Wall Street Journal columnist and guy with the least-clicked-on profile on e-Harmony James "Why Can't I Get A Date?" Taranto has written a doozy of a misogynist op-ed column for the aforementioned rag.  In it, the lonely guy states his belief that rape is a matter of dispute when both parties have had too much to drink.  His droppings on the op-ed page have, to no one's surprise, provoked outrage.  We won't speculate on if or how many times WCIGAD? has plied his wimmen with enough booze to stone an elephant in order to, you know, "score" with them while they are catatonic. We can only say that WCIGAD? accurately reflects the sick pathology of right wingers these days:  delusional, misinformed, arrogant and predatory.

(photo:  "A double for the lady, barkeep!")

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