Saturday, February 15, 2014

Quote of the Day

"The problem with Christie isn’t merely that he is a bully. It’s that his political career is built on a rotten foundation. Christie owes his rise to some of the most toxic forces in his state—powerful bosses who ensure that his vow to clean up New Jersey will never come to pass. He has allowed them to escape scrutiny, rewarded them for their support, and punished their enemies. All along, even as it looked like Christie was attacking the machine, he was really just mastering it." --  Alec MacGillis, in The New Republic.  The article explores in depth how New Jersey Gov. and failed staff manager  Chris "Krispykreme' Christie constructed a political machine in New Jersey by punishing enemies and rewarding loyalists beginning when he was the U.S. attorney supposedly fighting corruption in the state.  Fascinating read.

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