Sunday, February 9, 2014

Who Do You Trust?

Jonathan Capehart writes today about the latest Republican smokescreen on moving immigration reform forward.  On Thursday, Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner said, "The President is going to have to rebuild the trust [so] that the American people [and] my colleagues can trust him to enforce the law the way it was written."  We think Capehart speaks for us when he says:
Let me get this straight. Republicans decide before Obama is even inaugurated to not work with him. Despite this, he tries over and over again to find ways to work with them. The numerous concessions he makes (i.e. sequester and other spending cuts) drives his fellow Democrats crazy. That includes deporting more people during his presidency than all those deported between 1892 and 1997, much to the consternation of advocates for comprehensive immigration reform. After five years of losing, bruising battles with an implacable opposition that refuses to take yes for an answer, the president decides to use the authority granted to him by the Constitution to try to follow through on small parts of the agenda the American people reelected him to pursue. And yet OBAMA is the one who has to “rebuild trust”?
Not to mention Congress' approval ratings have consistently been abysmal, far below President Obama's.  Not to mention that time after time after time it's been shown that, if their lips are moving, Republicans are lying, even though it might take awhile for the truth to catch up (thank you, "finding the truth isn't our job" media!).

BONUS:  The once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle has a good editorial on Boehner's lame excuses on immigration reform.

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