Saturday, March 15, 2014

Missy's Mash Up's Elias Isquith has a good article on Senate Minority Leader and human-turtle hybrid Mitch "Missy" McConnell's struggle to retain his Senate seat in Kentucky, with teabaggers running their own radical candidate in the Rethuglican primary and a Democratic Party united behind Kentucky's Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes.  Here's an excerpt from Isquith's piece:
"….it will be poetic justice if McConnell’s sunk by the same government dysfunction and far-right counterrevolution he worked so diligently to create. It won’t be nearly as satisfying as watching him at CPAC, pretending to know how to use a rifle, a goofy grin spread across his face. But it’ll give me something to remember him by — besides the shattered and smoldering ruins of the federal government of the United States."
Even more than challengers and policy, Missy's political demise might come about from his inept persona and campaign:  he's a one-man self-parody machine.  His campaign released a 2 ½ minute video -- with no words -- that has now (thanks to Jon Stewart) become a viral phenomenon, with people adding their own soundtracks.  Thanks, Missy, and keep the hits coming!

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