Neocon hack and chickenhawk extraordinaire Bill "Wee Willie" Kristol hasn't stopped pushing for war somewhere -- the Middle East, anywhere -- for more than a decade. His ardent cheerleading for Dumbya and Dick's disastrous war in Iraq is a matter of record, one which he defends and tries to justify to this day. Discredited as he is, Wee Willie knows he's not the best messenger for the neocon, let's-start-a-war faction, so he's casting around for a political pony to ride on. His pick seems to be Rep. Tom Cotton, who is running against Sen. Mark Pryor in Arkansas. So what's Wee Willie looking for? As he wrote in Monday's edition of his rag The Weekly Standard:
“A war-weary public can be awakened and rallied. Indeed, events are right now doing the awakening. All that’s needed is the rallying. And the turnaround can be fast."Sounds like Wee Willie is looking for a political frontman for one of his manufactured military adventures (i.e., "events"). In the run up to the Iraq War, Wee Willie didn't have to look far for frontmen: (Vice) President Dick "The Dick" Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, and the whole PNAC crowd were there with him. But that was then; the public has rendered its verdict on the neocon agenda with regard to the Iraq War, and Wee Willie's side came up short.
BONUS: It's worth reading what Charles P. Pierce has to say about this turd-squeezer.
(photo: "Mmm…is that crow?")
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