Monday, March 17, 2014

The Democrats' Potential Turnout Problem

David Plouffe is saying, based in part on the results of the recent special election in Florida, that the Democrats have a "turnout issue" that could spell disaster in the mid-terms.  As we noted, the Democrat in that race did little to get Democrats enthused enough to go to the polls, hence losing by less than 2 percent of the vote.

Steve Benen has a prescription we would endorse:
I’m no campaign strategist, but it seems to me Democrats could probably put together some kind of “Four for 2014” platform, telling voters they’ll pass four popular bills – immigration, minimum-wage increase, infrastructure jobs, and veterans benefits, all of which failed due to GOP opposition – if the electorate takes power away from Republicans.  
If the goal is to create an incentive for Dems to show up, maybe the party should give them a reason?   (our emphasis)
Dammit, stop always reacting from a defensive crouch and go on offense.  Don't apologize for Obamacare, hail its successes.  Stress the economic and justice issues Benen lists above.  Get yourselves together and stay on message.

We're not campaign strategists, either, but we think (like Benen and others) that if the party gives Democrats a reason to show up, they will.

UPDATE:  Eugene Robinson agrees.

UPDATE II:  Driftglass, too.

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